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Return to Work Resources

Return-to-Work Essentials
Essential insights and strategy to hone your current skills and get up to speed on the latest Return-to-Work policies and best practices....

Three Keys to Successful Return to Work
Work is good for the soul, the mind and the body. Not only does it deliver a paycheck, allowing you to cover your expenses, but it also provides a sense...

Using Medical Disability Guidelines to Estimate RTW
Members of the claim management team face many challenges in handling their files in workers’ compensation claims. When an employee misses...

Ten Light Duty Work Ideas
So you have decided to provide some light duty or transitional work for injured workers to decrease wage loss expense. Congrats! This is the first step...
WC Claims Management Resources

6 Triggers for When, And When NOT to Use Nurse Case Managers
Nurse case managers are a hot topic in workers’ compensation, and with good reason. Used properly, they can generate great results for...

6 Strategies to Determine Workers’ Comp Causation
Causation is one of the most challenging concepts in the claims community. Causes of low back pain, carpal tunnel syndrome, and other soft tissue pain...

Two Very Important Steps When Managing A Catastrophic Injury Claim
When you say catastrophic injury, many people in the insurance field think of brain injuries, spinal cord injuries, severe burns, amputations, loss of...

4-Step Strategy to Successfully Settle Workers’ Comp Claims
Getting to a settlement can and should be a win-win for both payers and the injured worker. While most injured workers recover and return to work as...
Insurance Advisor Resources

4 Ways to Lower Your Experience Mod Rate and Why it Matters
Losses are just one factor in your overall workers’ compensation costs. The other is premium. Many calculations are involved in setting the...

How to Calculate Your Minimum Experience Modification Factor
The experience modification factor in workers’ compensation, it can be an overwhelming and complicated number. There’s a lot of math...

Maximize ROI of WC Mgmt. Improvements with the Right Insurance Structure
Start with the right insurance structure, whether that be guaranteed cost, or a retro or a captive, high deductible program or self-insurance policy. But...

Know Your Correct Job Classification Codes To Save Workers’ Comp Costs
While implementing injury management best practices in workers’ compensation is the most effective way to reduce costs and improve...
Fraud, Investigation & Litigation Resources

10 Steps Every Adjuster Should Perform In a Workers' Comp Claim Investigation
When you go online and read your adjuster’s file notes about your claims, know what to look for to be sure the adjuster is performing a quality...

Effective WC Claim Investigation Techniques
Members of the claims management team are called upon to investigate claims and make determinations of primary liability and the...

Key Steps to Avoid, Manage, and Win Work Comp Litigation
You’re missing a great opportunity if you view your defense attorney as a necessary expense rather than an asset to your workers’ comp...

Reduce Costs Via Workers’ Comp Litigation Management
Effectively monitoring and handling litigation costs is an important role for each member of the claims management team. This is because once a matter...
Best in Class Resources

ADA – If No Light Duty Is Available, Can The Employer Terminate Employment?
If someone is pregnant and on light duty, but light duty is not available, can the employer terminate the employment? The inclusion of pregnancy...

Calculate Cost Per FTE Metric to Show Workers’ Comp As Profit Center
Data can be overwhelming. If you have more than 50 workers’ compensation claims per year, you likely have lots of numbers. Industry leaders...

3 Critical And Simple Steps For Work Comp Supervisor Training
The interaction between the employee and the supervisor is going to set the tone for how the entire claim is going to go. So, you need to train your...

6 Common Mistakes Made In A Workers’ Comp Premium Audit
An annual premium audit is a great opportunity to review your workers’ comp class codes
and included payroll for accuracy. Employers that...

The Difference Between Exacerbation and Aggravation of Pre-existing Conditions
When reviewing medical records or looking at medical notes from an injured worker’s doctor, some of the diagnosis wording can be confusing.