BrokerElite Coaching for WC Business Growth
For Brokers who use workers' comp to differentiate in the market and want to write 2-5 new accounts each month while doubling the average premium volume per account.
WHAT IS BrokerElite?
BrokerElite leverages the WC Mastery Training & CompElite Strategic coaching platforms to deliver DIFFERENTIATING VALUE to your clients and prospects.
You will...
√ DEEPEN relationships with customers,
√ STAND-OUT in the minds of your prospects,
√ Have a ROAD-MAP to work together and drastically reduce WC Costs.
√ IMPROVE your bottom line.
"I have introduced Amaxx WC Training to clients and believe it is a phenomenal value-add. It is a value-add not only for the client, but also allows me to deepen my client relationship."
- Megan Trapletti
How BrokerElite Coaching Works
We meet with you (and your team, if appropriate) once a week to offer guidance, tools, and resources for helping you win, service, and retain employer business by using our WC Savings Accelerator framework.
World-Class Workers' Comp Training Content
Copy & Paste Email Correspondence
Each month receive a 'copy and paste' email template to send to all clients, leads, and prospects.
Partner tracking link is used to 'tag' your contacts as connect to you and your brand.
You stay in touch and offer unique value every month without having to worry about what to write.
Sample Program Introduction Email
Branded Registration Page
Each month Amaxx WC Mastery Training will create and co-brand the live training registration page with your logo.
Your clients and prospects connect the value of the training content to you and your brand.
Sample Registration Page
Branded Email Correspondence
Upon registration, confirmation emails sent from Amaxx reference and remind your contacts that the training is brought to them by you and your brand.
Dear [contact name], Thank you for registering for our upcoming training brought to you in partnership with [your name] and [your company name].
Sample Branded Email Correspondence
Reporting On Your Contacts' Behavior
You will be notified any time one of your contacts registers for a WC Mastery Training session creating an opportunity to reach out and further/deepen the client relationship.
"Hi John, I saw you registered for the upcoming communication training through Amaxx. Let's set up a time to talk further"
Sample Registration Page
Branded WC Mastery Training Membership
As many contacts as you like can attend up to 2 WC Mastery training sessions. On the third session your contact will become a sponsored WC Mastery training member. (You have the option of starting their membership prior to the third session).
As a sponsored WC Mastery member all of the registration branding still applies. In addition, and all print material received by your contact will be co-branded including Your Ultimate Guide to Mastering WC Costs, each monthly step-by-step guide, and 2-page cheat sheet.
A defined number of sponsored members are included in the base price by package. Additional sponsored clients can be purchased..
CompElite Strategic Coaching Framework
You will learn to offer guidance, tools, and resources to your customers through implementing our WC Savings Accelerator framework.
Step 1: Framework
We'll utilize our proprietary "Framework90" to assess existing strengths and potential gaps, both at the team and the individual level, so your company's action plan is truly CUSTOM.
Step 2: Employer Controls
We'll work with your organization to refine and optimize internal injury management systems at your company, including hiring, post-injury response, return to work, and injury investigation.
Step 3: External Controls
Workers' comp injury management is a team sport. We'll work with you to optimize your injury management partners, including your claims-handling organization, medical providers, attorneys, and other service providers.
Automate Injury Management
Leverage our IMR Software system to reduce costs and improves injury outcomes.
Integrate WC and OSHA Data
Make your time efficient and effective by automating and sharing data for WC and OSHA reporting.
Quickly Return Employees to Work
Collect employees' ability to work and match with job demands, essential functions.
5 Critical Metrics
Document and update your 5 Critical Metrics to guide our implementation, track progress, and show financial ROI.
Our Proven Training Library To Help Clients
Build a Well-Oiled Injury Management Machine
Step-By-Step Process
Discover the step-by-step process to assess your program, identify gaps, and implement solutions that will lead to significant workers’ compensation savings.
Communication Strategies
Improve the effectiveness of your communication through proven scripts with injured workers, multiple touch points, valuable communication to…
Return to Work Best Practices
The effectiveness of your return to work program defines the success or failure of your injury management system.
Injury Triage To Reduce WC Costs
Discover the importance of immediate and appropriate medical expertise following every injury and how to maximize the ROI of injury triage through relationships with treating physician and…
Measuring Critical Metrics
Understand WC viewed as a cost of doing business, the value of return to work, how to convince policyholders to embrace the program, how the lack of a worker recovery program…
Supervisor Training
Properly train supervisors become advocates who drive superior work comp claim outcomes. Learn the impact supervisor have on claim outcomes, how to overcome conflicting…
Evidence Based Medicine
Understand how to leverage evidenced-based medicine guidelines by empowering claims handlers and avoiding excessive medical treatment and unregulated…
Claim Investigation
Learn the steps to properly preserve the scene, the exact questions to ask following an injury, the one crucial piece that is likely missing from your injury form, how to identify pre-existing conditions…
Nurse Case Management
Understand the need for using case management only through clearly defined criteria, which best practices to expect from a service provider, and…
Injury Causation Determination
Learn the action steps when an employee has a condition that may or may not be work related, what to do in specific scenarios, the red flags to look for as evidence of workers’ comp fraud, and when to…
Identifying Expensive & Problematic Claims
Learn to identify potentially problematic and expensive claims EARLY in the claim cycle, so you can…
Schedule a Call
Schedule a call and our team will help determine if BrokerElite is right for you.