WC Mastery Membership Includes All Courses Below & Both Certifications
Receive 10 points for each completed course. You just need to earn 100 points to become a Certified Master of Workers' Compensation, by passing the exams to complete all six (6) of the Core Courses plus any four (4) of the Elective Courses. An additional 140 points (240 points total) are required to take the Certified Master of Workers' Compensation - "Best in Class" Certification exam.
Workers' Comp Foundations
The Workers' Comp Foundations course covers fundamental content for many different stakeholders in the work comp industry including employers, insurance brokers, attorneys, medical providers, and vendors.
Highly Effective Workers’ Comp Communication Strategies: What To Say & How to Say It
Communication in workers’ compensation is the single most important tactic to learn and master. Every single aspect of work comp management will be better or worse...
The Definitive Guide to Return-to-Work Best Practices
Return-to-work is a fundamental best practice in workers’ compensation management. The effectiveness of your return to work program defines the success or failure...
How to Use Injury Triage to Reduce Workers' Comp Costs
The best in class standard for returning injured employees to work is 95% within 0-4 days. There are many factors that go into achieving this goal, however, leveraging medical expertise ranks high on the list of critical factors...
How to Measure Workers’ Comp Success w/ 5 Critical Metrics
5 Critical Metrics make management understand the value of workers’ compensation management. 5 Critical Metrics keep management committed over time...
How to Train Supervisors to Become Workers’ Comp Advocates
Supervisors are often the first to respond to an injury and are a critical component of successful work comp management. They must be trained so they are prepared for the most common...
The Step by Step Process to Master Workers’ Comp
Reducing workers’ compensation costs is an outcome, not a goal. The goal is to put a proper program into place, reducing claims and returning injured workers to work...
How to Use Nurse Case Management to Improve Outcomes and Lower Workers’ Comp Costs
Nurse case management in workers’ compensation can be a highly effective service to improve outcomes and lower costs….when used correctly. When used...
How to Select the Right Workers’ Comp Doctor
The treating physician is an extremely important person in diagnosis, treatment, and recovery for an injured worker, yet, all doctors are not created equal. In addition, finding the right workers’ compensation...
How to Coordinate Return to Work with ADA Compliance
The interpretation and application of the Americans With Disabilities Act (ADA) is often confusing and overwhelming. In this session you will learn from Senior Attorney Advisor of the EEOC, Aaron Konopasky, on interpretations...
How to Use Evidence-Based Medicine to Create Better Workers’ Comp Claim Outcomes
A common fact often forgotten is workers’ compensation claims are medical injuries and medical expertise is needed to get the best claim results...
All courses and certifications are included with our WC Mastery membership subscription. LEARN MORE
How to Script Winning Account Handling Instructions
Account Handling Instructions describe how your claims are handled, and will be given to any and every adjuster who works your claims. Properly scripting these instructions affects every aspect of...
Highly Effective Strategies to Manage Catastrophic Workers’ Comp Claims
5% of workers’ compensation claims account for 80% of total costs. For this small group of claims the stakes are highest in both financial dollars and impact on the injured worker’s life...
How to Control Prescription Drug Costs, Avoid Abuse, and Deliver Pain Relief
Prescription drugs are the fastest growing component of medical care, carry huge lifetime costs in the treatment of injured workers, and have a high propensity for addiction...
The Process to Successfully Settle More Workers’ Comp Claims
Successfully settling workers compensation claims can have a positive effect both on an employers workers’ compensation program, as well as the life of the injured worker...
Critical Trade Secrets to Settle the Most Difficult Workers’ Comp Claims
Bringing old dog, expensive claims to settlement can have a positive effect both on an employers workers’ compensation program, as well as the life of the injured worker...
How to Plan, Prepare, & Execute a Meaningful Work Comp Claim Review
You are likely sitting on a gold mine of data that can hold the secrets to dramatically reducing your workers’ compensation costs and improving injured worker outcomes...
How to Properly Classify Employees to Pay the Least Workers’ Comp Premium
he total cost of workers’ compensation is calculated as Payroll x Class rate X Experience Mod x Adjustments = Premium + Losses (loss sensitive program). A strong system of injury...
How the Experience Modification Factor Affects Workers Comp Costs
The experience modification factor is a snapshot assessment of risk for an insurance carrier. In guaranteed cost programs it is a primary factor in the pricing of workers’ comp premiums, and this formula is key to...
How to Determine Which WC Insurance Structure is Right for You
One of most fundamental definitions of insurance is ‘the transfer of risk. ‘ While this definition is universally agreed upon, not one single structure of workers’ compensation...
All courses and certifications are included with our WC Mastery membership subscription. LEARN MORE
How to Determine Workers’ Comp Injury Causation
The existence of a workers’ compensation claim relies on the determination of an injury being legitimately work related or not. While many details of causation can be both medically and legally complex, employers and...
How to Identify EARLY Indicators of Expensive and Problematic Workers’ Comp Claims
5% of claims account for 80% of workers’ comp costs, and according to the Journal of Occupational and Environmental Medicine, 60-80% of lost workdays are unnecessary. These statistics illustrate the fact that...
How to Execute A Bulletproof Workers’ Comp Claim Investigation
Good decisions in workers’ compensation are made with good information. There is no time more important to lock-down good information than immediately following...
How to Avoid, Manage, and Win Workers’ Comp Litigation
The majority of workers’ compensation claims resolve without going to litigation, but those that do can be extremely frustrating and expensive. A best-in-class, high-integrity injury management program starts with...
How To Coordinate Human Resources And Workers’ Compensation
Human resources and workers’ compensation are two separate disciplines in an organization. However, in practice these can be complimentary in the day-day operations of an employer.
How to Coordinate Workers’ Comp and OSHA Compliance
Workers’ compensation and OSHA compliance are two different things. However, in practice these two laws are complimentary in the day-day operations of an employer.
How to Hire the Right Employees to Avoid Immediate Workers’ Comp Problems
Proper management of workers’ compensation costs begins before an employer hires their first employee. Having the proper systems in place to...
Are You (or your Union) Sabotaging Your Return to Work Program?
There are elements in your workers’ compensation program that are causing you challenges without you even knowing. These can be incentives, employee motivations...
How to Break Down Silos & Apply Behavioral Based Safety Principles to Reduce Workers’ Comp Costs
Workers’ compensation management starts well before an employee is hired, or incurs an injury on the job. Safety principles and injury management best practices should be two sides of the same ...
How to Develop Trust, Empathy And Improved Communication Skills
There is no one topic more important to the success or failure of your workers’ compensation management program than developing trust, empathy, and communication. Every professional and personal interaction can be improved by...
How to Create and Implement a Workers’ Comp Cost Allocation System
95% of workers’ compensation management is the management of human behavior. This is true for claims, and management of the supervisors and divisions leaders in charge of...
How to Create a Winning Workers’ Comp Culture
Company culture is the foundation on which an organization is built. It dictates customs, best practices, expectations, and ‘how things are done around here.’ Efforts to improve a singular aspect of...